Birchgrove Public School

To strive

Telephone02 9810 2469

Parents and citizens

P&C Committee


The Parents & Citizens Association at Birchgrove Public School is an active and vibrant group.

The role of the P&C in a public school is very important because it is the forum through which the parent body can communicate with the teaching staff and the executive of the school.

The charter of the P&C is to:
• bring parents and citizens together with the school to create a closer working relationship;
• assist in providing equipment and resources required by the school; and
• assist in establishing school policy and management direction for the school.

The Birchgrove P&C Association meets on the third Wednesday of every month (during school term) at 7:00pm in the staff room.

The Annual General Meeting is held in November each year and is an opportunity for the school community to assist with the operation of the P&C by becoming an office bearer.

The current office bearers are:

President: Oliver Small -

Secretary: Stacey Fisher -

Treasurer: Tania Cosco -

Vice President: Greg O'Keefe -

Vice President 2: Nikki Ellis -

There are also a number of Committee roles that are filled and these can change from year to year, ie fundraising, playground, music management etc.

We would like to encourage everyone associated with Birchgrove Public School to be involved with the P&C and in that way further strengthen the community bonds within the school.

If you have any general inquiries or fundraising ideas / suggestions please email

Further information can be found on the Birchgrove Public School P&C Association website.